Sankt Hans – Midsommar
On June 23rd we will celebrate the second edition of Sankt Hans Party (São João) /Midsommar at Espaço Escandinavo in SP. In this space we have a beautiful garden, a party room and the Scandinavian Lutheran Church. The idea is to join the festivities of the Nordic Countries around the Summer Solstice when is celebrated Sank Hans / Midsommar whereas in Brazil is celebrated the Winter Solstice and São João. Although we are talking about the same saint the parties are celebrated differently. There will be a presentation of the Coral Nórdico da Igreja Escandinava (Nordic Choir). Besides that we will have typical Scandinavian and Brazilian songs and food. We will decorate the majstång and we will light a small bonfire.
It is going to be a great party where we will join traditions, customs and costumes. Don’t forget yours… come as a viking, using an apron, clogs and flowers, as a princess, troll, witch, dragon, sheriff, bride, caipira or as you feel more comfortable.
Part of the revenue gathered will be destined to the upkeep of our wonderful space. Please remember to confirm your presence at our event on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/463686650872906/